
Summer Homework

  Summer Homework (a skit) __________________________ Characters:  Ella Sasha Annie _____________________________________ Ella: Ahh.. it feels nice during summer break! Sasha: Yeah! I feel like we are forgetting something though….. Annie: Yeah… what? Ella: Umm.. I think I know…. SUMMER HOMEWORK! Everyone: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Annie: I don’t WANT summer homework! Sasha: Me too! Wait, what date is it? Annie: um, A WEEK before school, that’s the date! Everyone again: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ella: We MIGHT be in trouble….. Sasha: What if we work together?  Everyone: Yeah! [The next day] [ 6 days left] Ella: Ok, if we have a plan to do, let’s follow it! Annie: Yeah! [The next day] [ 5 days left] Sasha: Umm.. we did not do ANYTHING yesterday. Ella: Yeah, SASHA, I see that! Sasha: I’m just pointing it out! Annie: Guys, let’s not fight!  [They fight] Ella: Ok time to work! What’s the time? Annie: 6:47 PM. [The next day] [ 4 days left] Ella: Work time! [They ACTUALLY work] Annie: Ok, we got 15 out of 50

Super spies (book 1)

  Super Spies   book 1 A Spy Series Emily, Lotus, Sara, and May were playing at the park when their watches rang. “Well let’s go on another spy trip!” Lotus whispered. They go through an entrance in the tree and land in headquarters. Their mission was told to them by their watches. “Let’s do this!” Emily whispered, again.  When the team found out their mission, they were shocked! “We had to save the town from a Giant ROBOT!?” Lotus exclaimed.  “Quiet,” Sara whispered. “We need this to be a secret!” “But still, a ROBOT!? First we dealt with humans, now ROBOTS?!” Lotus said. “Well, we still haven't dealt with robots, but it should be easy, right?” May said. Everyone shook their heads in disagreement. And they were right. It was not easy. “How will we beat THIS!?” Lotus asked. “Wait,” Lotus said. “Look at the back, there’s the battery! If we somehow get rid of it, we can stop it!” “Easy to say,” Emily said. “How in the world do we get a battery 5 TIMES the size of us!?” “There’s a pon

Summer (A poem)

  Summer Summer is nice, Summer is fun, Summer is filled with lots of pun, Summer is the perfect time, To talk and paint, brown and lime, Summer is the perfect day,  To go outside and play, Play some games, big or small, Maybe even play some ball!

Math Problems

   Math Problems (A humorous true story in my house) Characters: Me(main character) My brother  —————————————————— Me: Can I learn calculus? My brother: No. Me: Why? My brother: because you don't know the basics. Me: I do.  My brother:  Do you know exponents? Me: Yes. My brother: square roots? Me: Yes. My brother: do you kno- Me: I know the basics!!! Now can I learn Calculus? My brother: No. Me: WHY??? My brother: Because. Me: NOT answering my question. My brother: But you still can’t learn calculus. Me: Fine. I’ll google it. (goes to computer to google it) (goes to my brother again) Me: What’s calculus? My brother: I thought you googled it…. Me: Yeah but it makes ZERO sense. My brother: Told you that you can't learn it. Me: I can… just not with google. My brother: show me the site. (show the site to him) My brother: yeah.. You can't learn it. Me: FINE.. i’ll learn it later. My brother: That's what I thought. Me: But i'm still learning it. My brother: You will.. Me:

Are We There Yet?

  Are We There Yet? Characters: Kailey (main character) Emma (Kailey’s mom) Lila (Kailey’s friend)  Emily (Kailey’s older sister)  —————————————————— Kailey: Can we please please please pretty please with sprinkles and chocolate syrup on top, go to the beach? Emma: Why do you want to go to the beach all of a sudden? Kailey:Cause it’s summer break, duh! Emma: Come on, it’s one day after the end of school! Kailey: [sigh] fine. But we’re doing it this summer break! Emma:ok,ok, fine. [a month later] Kailey: Mom! Emma:Let me guess, you want me to take you to the beach? Kailey: Yes! Can we go? Emma: Fine, tomorrow. Kailey: Awww, please pretty please with rainbow sprinkles and chocolate syrup on top can we go to the- Emma: If you wait, your friend Lila can come! Kailey: Yay! Fine, I’ll wait. [The next day] Kailey: Mom! Emma: Ok, ok, get ready and we’re going to the beach! Kailey: Yay! What about Lila? Emma: She’s coming with us! Kailey: Yay! [Lila’s mom drops of Lila at Kailey’s house] Lila:

Our Little Home (An Earth day poem)

  Our Little Home (An Earth day poem) The grassy meadows, the lush greenery. The earth is a wonderful place to be. Our sweet little home, right over there, But humans cut down our little place and they, they just don’t care. The humans are cutting down trees and homes. The animals have nowhere to go. The humans are putting trash and waste, Into the air and food we taste. we need to save earth soon, And today is a perfect day to do!

N.I.C.E. Writing

  N.I.C.E. Writing N o confusing areas I s it interesting? C hange any unnecessary parts   E dit Wrong: Abby was playing at recess and saw a lonly person and was not not kind. She wanted to help the person so she asked if she could play with them. The person said yes and lived happily ever after. Corrections: Abby was playing at recess and saw a lonly person and was not not kind.  She wanted to help the person so she asked if she could play with them. The person said yes and lived happily ever after. ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ =spelling mistake (E) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ =confusing part (N) RED =unnecessary part(C) ITALIC = Change (E) Correct: Abby was playing at recess and saw a lonely person. She was very kind, and wanted to help the person so she asked if she wanted to play with them. The person said yes and played happily. Hope this helps!!