
Showing posts from June, 2024

Math Problems

   Math Problems (A humorous true story in my house) Characters: Me(main character) My brother  —————————————————— Me: Can I learn calculus? My brother: No. Me: Why? My brother: because you don't know the basics. Me: I do.  My brother:  Do you know exponents? Me: Yes. My brother: square roots? Me: Yes. My brother: do you kno- Me: I know the basics!!! Now can I learn Calculus? My brother: No. Me: WHY??? My brother: Because. Me: NOT answering my question. My brother: But you still can’t learn calculus. Me: Fine. I’ll google it. (goes to computer to google it) (goes to my brother again) Me: What’s calculus? My brother: I thought you googled it…. Me: Yeah but it makes ZERO sense. My brother: Told you that you can't learn it. Me: I can… just not with google. My brother: show me the site. (show the site to him) My brother: yeah.. You can't learn it. Me: FINE.. i’ll learn it later. My brother: That's what I thought. Me: But i'm still learning it. My brother: You will.. Me: